Thursday, May 30, 2013

More about my life

My life before my Dad's death was really pretty good, except the

 filth I lived in.  I  didn't have the best of things, but I was happy.

  I was usually gone early in the morning in the summer, and was

 always told when the street light comes on, you come home.  We

 lived on this big hill, away from everyone.  I think my dad

 purchased this house on a big hill so other people couldn't hear

 him beating my mom up.  I'll never know if thats true or not,but

 its my thought.  

So we moved out of that nasty place in Russell Ky after my dad 

died to the big town of Ashland, Ky. The way I looked at it

 we got out of the roach motel.  My dad had life insurance so

 my mom purchased with the money she bought a home and new

 furniture for the whole house.

My family felt safe for the first time in our lives.  What a change

 that all of us had to make.  My oldest brother, Bryan, that is now

deceased graduated from Russell High School, in Russell, Ky.

  My second brother had two more years of school left, so he

 transferred to Paul G. Blazer High School.  My sister and myself

 were both enrolled into Putnam Jr. High School.  My sister was

 in 9th grade and myself in 7th. I had no idea what I was doing

 when the first day of school began.  I had no friends and to beat

 it all we were late for the first day of school, so it was only me

 and my sister walking the halls.  My sister found her homeroom

 right away, but with me being used to one classroom, I couldn't

 find mine or even know what I was doing!! I remember trying to

 find my sister for help, but she was already in class.  I finally

 found my class room, walked in and the teacher got mad because

 I was late and she had already wrote out the names of everyone

 in this class.  She looked at me and said, 'now look at this, I just

 finished this and now you show up so now I have to make this all

 over again.  I had no idea what she meant, I was to scared.  I had

 to figure out how to get around this new school that day.  It was

 very challenging.  At least I had two easy classes in my schedule.

  I loved to sing, and so I took chorus.  This was right across from

 my homeroom, so that room was easy to find. My teacher for

 chorus was so sweet and helpful.  She taught me so much and I

 guess it showed, cause I was given two solos as we traveled to

 different elementary schools. This class gave me confidence!! I

 was already enrolled in band class at my elementary school in

 Russell, where I played the flute, so I hoped once I got in that

 class my day would go better.  I really didn't like playing the

 flute.  But my mom wanted me to play the flute, so I agreed.  I 

actually enjoyed this class and found a new friend, Jo Ann.  I also

 found out that Jo Ann lived right across the street from me!!  We

 became instant friends.  She was my 'go to' person.  I mean 'go

 to' because I had no idea who anyone was, and since she knew

 people at Putnam Jr. High more than I did, I would ask her.  She

 became a great friend and we hung out a lot.  She also became

 my partner when we walked to school.  She became my best

 friend by the end of the year.  During my year at Putnam

 Jr.High, Jo Ann introduced me to Debbie Vance, which later on

 in Jr. High and high school became my best friend. So anyway,

 in Jr High Jo Ann and Debbie showed me around the school

 joked around with me and became my best friends.  Life was so

 easy then. I was at Putnam Jr high school from 7th thru 9th

 grade.  I myself was a real tiny girl, everywhere.  I was made fun

 of by my guy friends cause I was flat chested.  I was shorter than

 others also. I remember going to my first dance.  It was scarey

 cause I was actually going to this dance with the guy that I had a crush on.

His name was Danny Friley, which has now passed away

Danny's sister and her boyfriend drove us, first to eat, and then

 to the dance.  I was on cloud 9!!  More about my life

For give me for not getting this out sooner.  I've had a lot on my mind lately.

I had a great time with Danny at the dance.  I really liked him an

he was the cutest boy I'd ever seen.   

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My life growing up.... the history of my life.

I've cried so much lately because my heart is hurting. And no I do 

not want a pity party.  Have you ever just thought that sometimes 

your life has been nothing but let downs?  Don't get me wrong.  I 

love my family....I love my friends.....but right now I look at my 

life and wonder why have I had the life I've had.  I thank God for 

what all he has given me. But for what all I've gone thru in my 

life I'm shocked I'm even still alive.  Just like my friend Kim 

Henry Faulkner says....Carol you could write a book on all the 

things that have happened in your life.Well, instead of a book, I'll 

just blog about it.

Introducing myself is pretty hard. I'm Carol Lynn, I was born in

1962 in Russell, Ky. I was the last child born to John and

 Mary. I have two brothers,  one is deceased  and a sister which

 are both older than me. 

I went to Russell Central Elementary, in Russell, rode a bus to

 and from school. I absolutely loved that school. Mr. Nelson

Allan was the principal. I loved him!! 

My family was poor, thanks 

to my dad and his gambling. He would drink and gamble all the 

money he made while working for Armco in Russell, Ky.  I lived 

in a roach infested, run down house.  My Mom was a stay at home 

mom, which I truely loved, but was abused by the dad when he

was drunk.  I remember one time, my dad beating my mom up and
 watching her get push down the hill we lived on. Another time

 my mom was beat up, she loaded up all 4 of her kids and we

 walked, in the middle of the night, to the police station which I

 know it had to have been 3 or more miles away from our house.

 This was my first and only time I've ever rode in a police car to

 my house. You should know that at this time, I was only a little

 girl, younger than 11. The police arrested him, and then again,

 when my Dad was released from jail my Mom was beat up again

for doing that to him.  My poor mom wasn't from Ky, she was

Massachusetts, where my mom and dad met for the first

 time so she hardly knew anyone here in Russell.  
In 1974 my

 alcoholic, abusive dad passed  
away from  a heart attack.  I know

 people may get mad at what I am about to say, but my dad dying

 was probably the best thing that could have happened to my
